Vacation as Motivation

So it is roughly a month away before I get a two week vacation to the beautiful country of Vietnam. I have a lot of family there and it is always such a treat to be able to spend a few weeks without worrying about life and responsibilities. Though I have a vacation coming up soon, this gives me a new sense of motivation for vacations. Some things that I realized is that I really need to brush up on my vietnamese. To give you an idea, I have about the language comprehension of a 12 year old when it comes to speaking vietnamese. This gave me the drive to learn as much as I can before the vacation.

Thinking about this, I had a realization about motivating myself before the vacation time. I thought that if I apply this to learning a language, I can use this with everything that I am goaling towards right now.

For instance, I am also looking to get more in shape before I go so I can appreciate my physical self while I am on vacation and eat as much as I want without feeling guilty. I feel like this is also good motivation to getting in shape as well.

How can this apply to my coding? I can use this month to really take as much as I can working on personal projects and learning new things so that I can have that sense of satisfaction before I can give my mind the rest. Think of it as that last strong push before resting.

An update to learning Ruby and Rails. Things are going quite decently, even though I am not the biggest fan of rails structure of convention over configuration “The idea that if you follow a certain convention, you don’t have to do all the configuration yourself”. I prefer having the control and knowledge of what I can do. I hope to create some notes on some of the things I have learned coming from a python side. Maybe a “Learn Ruby from the Python Side”.

If you have any questions, follow and ping me on Twitter- I’m twitter.