Summer Goals

Things have finally come to a settling point. There comes a time in our lives where we are unsettled. Whether this is a point of moving around, changing jobs, relationship changes or even just our whole view of our lives changing. During this time, it becomes more of a challenge than ever to attempt to focus down and work and settle on doing the things you love.

For me, a lot of this hit me at around the same time. My recent move back, sleeping on my friends couch for months, changing my living situation, working and gaining the trust of my fellow colleagues, has been nothing short of an enjoyable experience. I never tell myself that I am having a hard time as I find my way to stride and enjoy everything currently in my life.

However, things have finally reached a point where I can’t be happier and can’t be more at a comfortable yet fighting position. With myself finally settling down in a beautiful loft with a creative and close friend, this is as good as a time as any to really start pursuing my other passions and really work on the things that I love. After listening to a new book called Essentialism, I have re-iterated in my mind that I need to keep my goals in my head and work on things I am passionate about.

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If you have any questions, follow and ping me on Twitter- I’m twitter.