Back in LA

It has been a little over a month since my move back to LA and it has definitely been a challenging and fun journey. But a little recap on what has happened the past few months.

I had recently taken a job at Blur Studio. Blur Studio is what I would like to call the Pixar of game cinematics. When it comes to amazing and inspiring works of art, Blur Studio definitely fits the bill as being one of those places I think highly of. I like to think that the people I have met at Rhythm and Hues were my saviors in some way. One of them being the one that actually decided to hire me and bring me out to LA in the first place. Another one who remembered me and gave me an opportunity to come back.

The crazy thing is that you don’t know how much you miss something until you get the opportunity to go back to it. Now I had a decent job back in Dallas. I was doing something that I loved and was moving towards something that I looked forward to.

However, I realized a ton while I was in Dallas. I learned that I was not nearly in the state I wanted to be in mentally. I had put myself in somewhat of a depressed state. And it wasn’t the fact of being there that put me in this depressed state. It was me putting myself in this depressed state. And I don’t mean state as in the region of the country. Haha

Well, after making this decision, I said my goodbyes to all my friends there and packed everything I had and decided to mosey back to the land of stars. I have to say, the first weekend of being back here made me happy beyond all measure. To go back to even a few very close faces had changed my whole outlook on everything.

But being back here isn’t enough. Well not to say that I am not grateful for being in such a great position in my life where I can finally sustain myself and travel as the wind carries. But I realize that my own mental state is still not in the place where I can be comfortable. But hey, I would rather but comfortably uncomfortable and uncomfortably comfotable.

There has been a lot on my mind and I realize that this is really distracting me. I need to focus my mental capacity and really focus the energy into positive change in myself. I need to keep the child in me alive as well as the humble nature intact. I can not let myself fall off to thinking that I am better than the world or that I am deserved anything. I have to work for all of it. But not just working will satisfy what I am after. I have to enjoy everything that I am doing and be happy of all the great things in my life.

Now back to Blur. The nature of the studio on its own has provided me with a whole new outlook of the work place. Taking your frustration out with nerf guns and multiplayer quake is all but a good way to interact with your co workers. But, also seeing the nature of a “smaller” studio perform is definitely a new challenege. Not only do you have to motivate yourself to challenge your own mind to bringing things to new boundaries, but you have to appreciate everyones own talent and know what they can bring to the table. It is truly a great feeling.

Well, this post is getting long enough so I will wind it down with some food for thought. Also stay hungry and find your way to be comfortably uncomfortable.


If you have any questions, follow and ping me on Twitter- I’m twitter.